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Wednesday, 12 December 2007


We journalists like to arrogantly pretend that ours is an exclusive profession, with a special set of skills and a unique commitment to truthseeking and muckraking. In a recent interview, however, Rolling Stone magazine's roving political reporter Matt Taibbi bluntly and graphically skewers this central myth that underpins so much of the media-generated universe:

“If you have no real knowledge or skill set and you’re lazy and full of shit but you want to make a decent wage, then journalism’s not a bad career option. The great thing about it is that you don’t need to know anything. I mean this whole notion of journalism school—I can’t believe people actually go to journalism school. You can learn the entire thing in like three days.”

Three days? Some people seem to have ‘learned’ it in less.

Taibbi has (hilarious) form on this subject. In 2004, he also happened to write this devastatingly true statement:

“I've been around journalists my entire life, since I was a little kid, and I haven't met more than five in three-plus decades who wouldn't literally shit from shame before daring to say that their job had anything to do with truth or informing the public. Everyone in the commercial media…knows what his real job is: feeding the monkey. We are professional space-fillers, frivolously tossing content-pebbles in an ever-widening canyon of demand, cranking out one silly pack-mule after another for toothpaste and sneaker ads to ride on straight into the brains of the stupefied public.”


Anonymous said...

This is so true - sad and depressing though it is. Mosts "journalists" aren't journalists at all these days: they are fat, lazy sleazeballs like Aaranovich who do no work and lie and pontificate bollocks. You are clearly an exception though "Radical".

Anonymous said...

ITs messed up that journalists are saying this about themselves!

I'd like to add, that the only thing TV journalist like to see in live debates are the most outrageous arguments, and the most argumentative personalities...why get someone who speaks to the truth and is polite, when you can get some maniac, that represents no - one on tele, and provides entertainment for the masses.

IF this is isn't the case, then why do the media persist in inviting firebrand muslim clerics that represent a small fringe of British Muslims.

You should be ashamed of yourselves!