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Monday, 25 February 2008


Regular visitors to this blog (are there any?) may have noticed a slight lull in the number of postings here by me, the self-proclaimed 'Radical', in recent weeks. To be honest, February has been a bit of a mad month for me and I have slightly taken my eye off the (blogging) ball. In exactly seven days, I'll be back to blogging on an almost daily basis - exposing the myriad of lies and exaggerations and half-truths peddled by the Laptop Bombardiers and the Armchair Islamophobes.

As I said, the number of blogs that I have posted has slowed down but (thankfully! weirdly?) the hits continue to rise. Having started this blog in early December after a long period of personal and professional frustration with the right-wing, war-mongering, terrorism-fuelling, Muslim-demonizing trajectory of our political classes and the unthinking, uncritical, incurious and - frankly - xenophobic coverage of the world by our 'mainstream' media, I am pleased to see the hit counter (below, scroll down to the bottom) approaching a whopping two thousand.

So, thank you. And I will be back. Shortly. In a week. Watch this space.

(In the meantime, check out the excellent


Anonymous said...

This blog rocks. Come back soon! Your world needs you!

Anonymous said...

When are you back? We need to hear your common sense.

Anonymous said...

Well? Hurry up!!

Anonymous said...

Well? Hurry up!!